Project Description

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    Aunis Messagerie wanted to equip its drivers with a tracking tool for last mile delivery, replacing its drivers’ basic mobile phones with robust, reliable touch computers. The devices had to offer enterprise functionality, such as package scanning and taking photos, and operate on an Android platform, whilst retaining smartphone looks. Aunis Messagerie approached its partner Tec6.

    Also a long-term Zebra Technologies partner, Tec6 is a managed services company, specialising in new technologies and IT. Tec6 delivers turnkey solutions specific to the requirements of its clients and believes in lasting business partnerships. It had been working with Aunis Messagerie, looking at ways the company could further refine and automate its operations. Aunis Messagerie was already a customer of Zebra Technologies, with MC92 Mobile Computers and TC8000 Touch Mobile Computers used for quayside inventory…

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