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    Reynolds is a key supplier to the UK’s foodservice market. From its National Distribution Centre in Hertfordshire, and five regional hubs, it sources and supplies fruit, vegetables, meats, cheeses and dairy to leading brands including, Pizza Express, Carluccio’s, Byron and Bill’s.

    Its Business Improvement team, led by Alex Furner, looks for ways to drive efficiencies. And, with its fleet of drivers using paper-based systems to manage deliveries, the team made the decision to move to mobile computing. Reynolds wrote its bespoke REDEMA mobile computing software in-house.

    The application automates driver orders, routing, PoD, data capture and vehicle tracking. As part of the design process, the team provided mobile computers for drivers to test over a month-long period. Their feedback, that the TC55 touch computer was the best solution, matched the findings of the Business Improvement team, which tested the devices against a range of criteria….

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